African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT)

 is a flagship program coordinated by Tax Justice Network (TJNA) with an overall objective to provide an opportunity for its members, the African legislators, to strategize, learn from each other and build their capacities in tackling Illicit financial flows and tax injustice in the continent. The platform facilitates its members to undertake advocacy-related dialogue and debates in a simplified manner on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), tax governance, and domestic resource mobilization (DRM) in Africa.

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APNIFFT is a membership-based organization that brings together members of parliament from different regions and countries in Africa who are keen on tackling Illicit financial flows and tax injustice in the continent.

member states
motions passed

The APNIFFT parliamentary caucuses are groups that bring together members of parliament from different African regions and countries and provide a platform for them to indicate their policy preferences or priorities without political inhibition.

The members of parliament in these caucuses are committed to the network’s mission and principles and strengthen the position of parliamentarians among development stakeholders.