Dodoma Tanzania - The African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT), Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) and Policy Forum are set to launch the APNIFFT Tanzania national caucus on September 7, 2023.
The caucus launch brings together members of parliament, parliamentary officials, researchers, academics, and representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs). The theme of the launch will be “MP’s Leadership in Combatting Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Injustices.”
The launch provides a platform to trigger collective action from Tanzania’s Members of Parliament in addressing illicit financial flows in Africa, tax injustices and their impact on domestic revenue streams, crucial for Tanzania’s development.
This launch coincides with a period during which Tanzania and several other African countries under APNIFFT, have raised motions regarding IFFs. Notably, various countries have taken legislative actions and proposals aimed at addressing IFFs and promoting financial transparency. These actions include amending the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2015, the Mining Act, and the Anti-Corruption Act in Liberia, as well as revising the Excise Duty Act in Kenya, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia, and Ghana.
APNIFFT is a flagship program under the coordination of TJNA with the objective of providing a platform for African legislators to foster strategic discussions, knowledge exchange, and capacity-building initiatives geared explicitly toward tackling illicit financial flows and tax injustice in Africa.
APNIFFT seeks to empower its members to spearhead effective change within their jurisdictions by facilitating simplified advocacy-related dialogues and debates on crucial topics like IFFs, tax governance, and domestic resource mobilisation.
For further information about APNIFFT and its various initiatives, interested parties are encouraged to contact Rodgers Kidiya at rkidiya(@)taxjusticeafrica.net
Image Courtesy, Encyclopædia Britannica